a Universe of innovation...
The M powered by UNIPAC
...to engineer a smarter today.
Humans with Humanity, Humanoids with Sentience.
Always-On NetGrids, in a Sustainable InterNetWork of Value.

Harnessing the Space Age on Earth
Sustainable, Positive Sum Gains for Humanity

Founded in 2009, Moolex is an idea-to-innovation scientific research and development platform.

Our pilot-ready research, is available for licensing and collaboration to governments, enterprises, and startups. Moolex is focused on creating a sustainable impact for all of humanity, by solving many of the world's toughest challenges. In 2021, we have expanded the private-beta-invites to individuals, small & medium enterprises, and government agencies. Stakeholders in supply-chains of several domains, and sectors, may apply to license our research, innovations, and financed deployments. Our collaborators and partners are invited to profit and create substantial shareholder gain; in return, our partners and members are incentivized to work with Moolex's transformative efforts to create substantial and sustainable impact for all of humanity.

Moolex is active in several sectors—

  • Digital Central Banking,
  • Financial Engineering & Trade Syndication,
  • Education,
  • Clean Energy & Clean Fuel,
  • Space Sciences & Exploration,
  • Supercomputing & Telecom,
  • Ecology & Climate Change,
  • Material Sciences & Metallurgy,
  • Genomics, Medicine, & Healthcare,
  • Infrastructure & Transport,
  • Architecture & Construction,
  • Sustainability,
  • Food, Water, & Air-Quality Security,
  • and Media & Entertainment.

Featured Units

The U Interface

on Earth, in Space

Space Exploration

Clean Energy

Spheon Computing

Secure Nodes

R&D Focus

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Any information is to be considered unproven research valid for commerce only after validation in a country of domicile and certification by applicable regulatory agencies.
❯ Alloy

–Sphenomium E class
–Tolerates 4500°C
–Light as composites. Stronger than titanium
❯ Propellant

–HxFuel: solid rocket fuel
–Superior to today's propellants
–50% lighter–500% more thrust
–Resistant to accidental fire and explosion
❯ Navigation

–Harnessing a new dimensional model of Space
–Knowledge of Spheon vortices in interplanetary-travel
❯ NetGrid

–Significant advances in telecommunications on Earth and in Space
–Delivering near-real-time device communications between Mars and Earth
❯ mFurnace

–Clean energy powered furnaces
–Applications include Sphenomium E Class alloy manufacturing
❯ Mission Control

–Enhanced, near-real-time mission control of spaceships, and robots
–Advanced tracking and research capabilities
❯ Collaboration

–Reaching out to today's governments and private sector
–Industry, associations and research partners can participate in various aspects of technology deployments.
❯ Licensing

–Secure pathway to rapid adoption and deployment
–Financing options help growth of industry and enable early-stage companies to participate


  • shieldSpace.ai

    February 23, 2021—New York. Today, we release key takeaways from our advisory. The iatrogenic phase of the COVID-19 pandemic has firmly entered a new phase. Our guideline-statement to governments, and regional health & public policy decision makers declares a need for a heightened state of caution as advised in early January 2020. shieldSpace.ai is working with governments to deploy a 360°, 24x7x365 protection-grid across six levels against outbreak of pathogens—viral, bacterial, other virulent vectors—and diseases. shieldSpace.ai pursues a dual strategy of decontamination & treatment in parallel to combat COVID-19 with remarkable efficacy. shieldSpace.AI is a promising initiative to protect humanity from stressors on Earth and in/from Space. more...

  • Auvura EarthShips

    Base models specifications include a diameter of 500 meters, propelled with a combination of HxFuel and Spheon Power. Together with 13 Spheon turbine engines, EarthShips are capable of carrying 10,000 metric tonnes of payload at launch. 15 floors of passenger amenities can safely accommodate 2500 passengers to and from Auvura ports on Earth at Mach 10 and more. Moolex has identified signatures of non-earth metals and alloys potentially available on asteroids and planets in our solar system. These alloys along with advances from ongoing research in fuel, navigation, and engines is geared toward achieving higher speeds for efficient planetary scale travel. more...

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