SphReI Study-6112b5f2 open_in_new reports a newly Toxicity Syndrome related to wearing 3 (poly)-ply or N-95 type masks. Details of symptoms-complex, risk-factors, immuno-modulation with progression is documented in the study. The patients at risk for developing a COVID-19 symptom complex are also at risk for this Toxicity Syndrome. A disturbing impact potential is now emerging with a renewed occupancy of closed spaces such as offices and classrooms with masks for prolonged duration. The risk to children is likely to stunt cerebral functions permanently. After NovaGenome Impact Construct Simulation results, HxCure Clinical Trial–a90f142a open_in_new beginning patient eligibility determination in different jurisdictions.
Panic and fear in general populations, together with questionable WHO laboratory testing guidelines–SphReI Study-4326520d open_in_new make it difficult to distinguish between environmental contamination versus a true increase suggestive of a COVID-19 progression. Additionally bedside serology testing is unable to distinguish a normal exposure response from active disease. These increased number of cases despite short flu/cold like symptoms are creating a spectre of a "second wave" in certain regions. The COVID-19 pandemic is ending. Caution is urged at interpreting data, analysis and media briefings. SphReI Study–8eacc00 open_in_new reports validated guidelines which serve as effective measures to prevent onset of symptomatic illness.
SphReI Study-f1c9a064 open_in_new observes the impact of mislabeling deaths in the COVID-19 pandemic. HxScience announces a trial to evaluate Sphenome.AI protocols to assess clinical history and diagnostic tests of every patient and assist todays' busy doctors in ascribing the cause(s) of death.
A real prospect of a Phase I (iatrogenic) appears to be gaining ground by calling the onset of a continued second wave. Equally disheartening is the advisory from WHO which speaks of an increase in COVID-19 confirmations in the winter months. These speculative statements are harmful and not grounded in science. We strongly request grassroots awarness campaigns to follow simple population behavior modification, proven in many regions of the world to stay safe. HxCure Care Guidelines-12d10869 open_in_new has released advisories to governments and institutions, which while are different from the CDC or WHO, represent our current understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are begining enrollment for the HxVaccine Trial-862ca94c open_in_new in over 110 countries to determine eligibility for cohort(s) determination phase of the proposed 4 year trial.
Efforts are underway to launch Auvura S-class satellites to further the research in the ongoing SphReI COVID-19 Tracking Study. Auvura S-class satellites are equipped with advanced spheon imaging and modulation technologies. Revolutionary spHeon engines are instrumental in meeting the high-level energy density and power consumption requirements of onboard equipment in the Auvura satellites and will be deployed in Phase 2 of the scheduled launches.
Each shieldSpace.ai pilot (deployed in a 5-50 km2 region in any of 100+ countries around the world) is automatically enrolled as a team in the One Earth League Tournament. Each team will be compensated and those which achieve the best results in eliminating COVID-19 will receive additional cash awards. This Tournament is part of a strategy—developed by Seven Sigma—to use gamification as a catalyst to incentivize population behavior. One Earth League LLC has received an allocation of U1.7 billion to reward all stakeholders.
Authorized agencies, public health programs can license components of shieldSpace.i programs. Eligible agencies of invited countries can participate in deploying programs. Seven Sigma platform offers consulting services and provide efficient roadmaps for a country to leapfrog healthcare infrastructure.
Institutions, FI, family-offices, and private entities can participate in various capacities to be engaged in the entire supply chain of the Mars mission. Licensing various technologies of advance, companies can leapfrog and participate.
Academic institutions, research labs and eligible non profit organizations are invited participate in clinical trials
Individuals, startups, communities are invited to engage their constituents or interests with different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.